Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Caleb STILL in Trouble

Caleb got up this morning and went into my room to watch cartoons. I told him he needed to go work on his sentences. He got up and went to the kitchen. Isaac came in a few minutes later and asked when we were going to the movies. Today we were supposed to have a playdate to a movie theater that does free movies on Wednesdays.

I told him we were not going. About 5 minutes later, Caleb comes in and asked what time the movie was. I told him we weren't going!! I told him if anyone knew why - he did!

Now, I didn't get out of bed until 8:30! We would have to leave the house around 9:15 to get to the theater. About 9, Caleb came to me again, and asked what time the movie was. I told him it didn't matter because we were not going. He said he was going to get his sentences done before we needed to leave - 10 pages. I told him that we were not going - PERIOD! He could not get his sentences done in time and that he knew that he was not doing anything until the sentences were done.

He sat there ALL day yesterday and did not even do three pages and I am suppose to ignore that and reward him! It is not fair for the rest of us - but it is fair for him a this point!!

He quit making an effort at writing the sentences when he found out he wasn't going!

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