Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Special Treat

I have been going to the same coffee shop for over a year. It is just a local coffee shop - small and friendly. The owner is always there and has gotten to know us. Bryce has always been going with me because I would normally ownly frequently treat myself once a week or so during the school year, but not much during the summer. This summer is an exception! Although Andrew has been sleeping 10-12 hours a night lately, my body is having a hard time going to bed at what used to be normal (pre-Andrew).

So, this summer, I have been taking Bryce and Isaac in (and Andrew). Caleb usually asks if he can stay in the car and read or play his Gameboy. The last three or four times we have gone in she has asked if she could make the boys a special treat. Then she asks the boys if they want their own cup of coffee. They say yes and in small cups (sample size) she gives them whipped cream with chocolate on top. They feel so grown-up. They go sit in the big oversized leather chairs and "drink" their coffee.

Another neat thing they do is a book exchange. They have bookshelves full of books and you can take one and exchange it for another. She let the boys take one home one day (even though we didn't bring one) so now every time we go, they exchange their book for a different one.

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