Sunday, May 27, 2007


Caleb started talking about his Christmas list again. We had a talk about what Christmas means, because he has apparantly forgot in the past 5 months! Then I asked him why he wants a cell phone so bad. I asked if there were kids in his class that have them and he said there was. He is wanting a Firefly phone so I asked if the other kids have Firefly's. He said they have RAZR 8(?) are kidding me!

He has broken two pairs of glasses in less than a year and he is wanting a phone and laptop...hmmmm!

He said he did not even know Santa would bring a present as expensive as a laptop. I asked who told him Santa would and he said he read it in a book. I reminded him that just because something is in a book does not always mean it is the truth!

This is the same kid that does not believe in Santa until he wants something for Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isaac's graduation pictures are so cute! I can't believe how grown up he is. ;-( Lindsay