Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Three Weeks

It is so hard to believe that it has been three weeks since Andrew blessed us with his presence (literally!!). Things are already going to fast!!! I knew this is how it would be before he was born, it is the same for all of the boys - but...

We are kinda getting a schedule down for days, but nights, well I am not sure that we will ever get there!! He is doing a lot better, he wakes up and eats and goes to back to sleep, but he wakes up with gas. Mylicon has not done a whole lot thus far!

Still falling asleep after about 15 minutes at most feedings, so we are still eating frequently. He is spending more time awake during the day. He is usually pretty happy when he is up. He only crys if he is hungry or his belly hurts. He seems to prefer to sit in a wet/dirty diaper as opposed to getting a clean one put on. Unfortunately for him (since he HATES being undressed), we are still going through a lot of clothes. Between spitting up on everything, poo that comes out the diaper and peeing (or pooping) as soon as a dirty diaper comes off - I feel like we are always at the changing table!!

The entire time he nurses his bottom is rumbling - so I change his pants right before I feed him, usually once in the middle of feeding and then once when he gets done. Sometimes, we get lucky and don't have to change it quite so often!

Bryce is great a diaper duty! He is the only one that comes in and volunteers to take dirty diapers. It doesn't matter where in the house we are - he ALWAYS takes the diapers to the diaper pail in Andrew's room - usually passing 4+ trashcans.

Isaac and Caleb help out, too - they just choose the "cleaner" help. They get burpclothes and blankets and they will get CLEAN diapers (and then run and hide before I have a dirty diaper to be taken care of).

They are all doing great with him. I am so proud of them and hope they will stay like this - but I am sure they won't.

I just wish I could stop time!!!

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