Monday, May 14, 2007


Last night I broke down and out of sheer exhaustion decided to try giving Andrew a bottle of formula. I was thinking that maybe the thickness would help him sleep longer, but also I could get an idea of how much he ate before he went to sleep. Unfortunately, my breasts did not coming with a built in measuring cup to see how much he is eating!

Paul gave him the bottle while I pumped. At first, he just sucked away at the bottle like it was what he always ate. He has had breastmilk out of a bottle a couple of times, but this was the first for formula. He ate about an ounce and then realized that this was not what he normally ate. He would suck a couple of times with his nose wrinkled up and then push the bottle out with his tongue, then immediately suck it back in, wrinkle his nose and suck a few times. He did this until he had taken about 2 1/2 ounces of the 3 ounce bottle. Then he had enough, but was not satisfied.

I thought maybe if I nursed him a little he would go to sleep. He did, he nursed himself to sleep and stayed that way until I layed him in bed. Daddy tried everything at once, we had his bed gently vibrating, womb sounds and soft music - and also a very dim light and pacifier. As long as ALL of this was going - he was quiet, but if ANY of them stopped - he screamed. Unfortunately, they all automatically turn off after so long!

Paul had to be up at 4 am to drive to Tennessee for work, so I did not want to try and let him cry to see how long he would scream before he fell asleep. I finally got him to go to sleep in his bed. I was SO excited and Paul and I went to bed hoping this would work. That was about 11pm.

Fast forward a whole 2 1/2 hours and Andrew is screaming. He made it about an hour longer than he normally does, but I don't know that is enough to make me continue to give him formula before bed. And, after I nursed him, he would not let me lay him back down - so he slept on top of me (with me on my back!) the rest of the night.

Mom pointed out that he was two weeks early so it may take a little longer for him to sleep well, so I am trying to be patient. I have NEVER had a baby early, so it is a little odd to try and remember that, but.... Tonight, unless Paul stays here (he is driving home so I can go to Bunco and then either going back to Tennessee tonight or tomorrow early morning)I am going to try to see how long he will cry if I don't go to him immediately.

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