Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Motherhood Day

I know it is Mother's Day, but I want to celebrate motherhood. I consider it a privelege that I was blessed with four beautiful, healthy boys. So, they don't always behave or use their manners, but what do you expect, they are kids! There are so many people that cannot have kids or have kids that are not born healthy, it makes me wonder how I got so lucky FOUR TIMES!

They are, by far, my greatest acheivements in life (other than finding the worlds most perfect man!) and I try to remember that even when I am at the end of my ropes! I can only hope that I (we) have the strength, knowledge and endurance to raise them into great men that one day can take the teachings they learned from their father and I and make awesome friends, husbands and fathers.

As much as I want a daughter, I have accepted that there is a reason God gave me four sons (I will let you know when I figure out what it is!). I just have to have the patience to do the best I can with them - and that takes LOTS of prayer for strength and courage!

It amazes me that I have enough love for all of these guys in my life! I guess that is part of the wonder and joys of motherhood. On one hand I want them to stay babies forever, but at the same time I cannot wait to see the kind of men they grow up and become.

I hope they just know that no matter what they will always be my babies and I will always love them. They may disappoint me from time to time, but they could never make me stop loving them.

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