Wednesday, May 16, 2007

By Golly...

I think he's got it (or he is getting there anyway).

Andrew has slept pretty well the last two nights - in HIS bed! I think the two of us have gotten down a good routine (or he may just be teasing me!). Monday when I got home from Bunco he was asleep. He had not eaten since I left. As soon as I laid down he started wimpering. I got him up - took him to the rocking chair and fed him. He let me lay him back in his bed when he was done.

He slept for three hours and woke up hungry. We went back to the rocker and he ate and let me lay him back in his bed. He woke up about an hour later, I rolled him over, started all of his "stuff" back and he went back to sleep for three hours.

His "stuff" - you may ask. Daddy figured out that he has to have his little bed vibrator, his womb sounds and a light (that actually is right in his eyes). When all of these are going at once, he stares at the light until he falls asleep.

Last night was pretty similar to Monday night. He stayed awake quite a bit of yesterday afternoon. When he got fussy last night, I fed him and put him down. Paul and I went to bed before 9 and Andrew slept until 11. I got up, went to the rocker and fed him and he went down with no problem. He woke up at 1:30 ate and went back to bed. I had to get up and roll him over at some point and then he slept until about 5. He got in my bed then because I did not want to go to the rocker!!

Apparantly, with him if I sleep while he nurses, he falls asleep pretty quick and is not eating much. I FORCED myself to get up and stay awake Monday to see what he does. Between that and figuring out his light and sound needs, we have fallen upon something good!! I have gotten more sleep in the past two nights than I have gotten since he was born, I think!

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