Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Last night, Andrew really scared Paul and I. He kept waking up crying and really should not have been hungry. I finally gave up trying to console him with him in his bed and got him up. He was really congested again and I thought I would try to keep him sitting up more (one side of his bassinet is raised but does not seem to help much).

I laid him on the bed to get a burp cloth and he kept screaming so Paul picked him up. As soon as he did, Andrew threw up and started gasping for air. He was arching his back and throwing himself around and turning purple. I am starting to panic about now!

I am trying everything to try and calm him down and get him breathing normal and nothing was working. He was gasping and still red and thrashing around. I finally got him calmed down and he just sat in my lap staring.

I don't know if he was just choking between the congestion and throwing up or what, but it almost seemed like he was having a seizure. I wrote it down and unless it happens again I am just going to bring it up when we go to the dr in a couple of weeks. If it happens again, we are making a drs appt!!

Needless to say, I did not get much sleep last night. He slept on top of me all night - maybe more out of my own fear from what I had just seen than his need to be there!

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