Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Caleb Gets Tested

Yesterday I got the permission slip for Caleb to be tested for the GT program. It said it had to be turned in TODAY!! That would be fine, but their was a two page questionnaire I had to fill out and send with it. At 11pm last night, Paul and I were on the phone trying to fill it out.

I forgot to send it to school with Caleb, so as if I did not have enough running around to do today, I had to go to his school and turn it in. Good thing I did, because they were doing the testing today.

So he came home and said he had to take two REALLY hard test. I asked what they were for, and he said he did not know - but only a few people in his class had to take it. I assume that was the test. He said he thought he did okay on it though.

We should know before too long whether he makes it into the GT program.

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