Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Gone Again

Daddy got called last night and told he had to go to Memphis today for the rest of the week. He told them he had to be home by Friday! I was so impressed he remembered that Friday was Parents Night Out at church - and WE NEED IT!!

I managed to get Isaac and Bryce both to school and back home with no accidents!! YEA ME!! Andrew slept a little better, but he is still wanting to have that skin to skin contact ALL the time, so the only place he really sleeps good is on top of me! That would be fine, but a big reason I had a hard time sleeping when I was pregnant is because it hurts my back to sleep on it!! Since that is the only way he can lay on me, it makes him sleep, but I stay awake. At least that way I can snooze off and on and Paul can sleep!

He is still getting up frequently to nurse. He is nursing ALL the time! I am going to have to start pumping so Paul can give him bottles and I can get stuff done - and sleep!! He is worse than Isaac was and Isaac was BAD when it came to his eating frequency. Paul made the comment last night that he was going to be bigger than Isaac - and that is scary because he has always been a pretty big boy!

I want to keep nursing, but I feel like I am wasting my time even getting a shirt on in the morning, because he is ALWAYS attached! I am going to keep going as long as I can handle, but... Hopefully, he will slow down since he is getting bigger and will start getting more active. Maybe he is just bored and doesn't know what else to do when he is awake!

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