Monday, May 21, 2007

First Road Trip

Andrew had his first road trip this weekend. We went to Texas, and came back, on Saturday. He did SO great!! It is a 4 hour trip, so I was hoping he would make it without having to stop to eat. He did, but barely. He made it all but the last 5 minutes on the way. On the way home I had to feed him about 30-45 minutes before we got home. That is still a pretty good stretch for him.

He is still sleeping well. Saturday night he woke up to eat about every two hours, which I was expecting because he did not eat as much during the day as he normally does (because of traveling). He is sleeping in his bassinet all night, only waking up every 3-5 hours to eat. Since he is actually sleeping at night - he is staying awake a lot more during the day!

He has really started smiling a lot lately. He has been smiling for awhile, but it was kind of sporatic. Now, he is starting to get more playful. He likes you to talk to him and play with him - especially Daddy. Paul will say Andrew quickly in a deep voice. Andrew's eyes get real big and he wrinkles his face. Then Paul will say AJ in his normal voice and Andrew will get a huge smile on his face and look for Daddy. It is so sweet. This weekend he has started laughing a lot too. I think before this weekend he had laughed - vocally - once or twice. I absolutely love hearing his little laughs!

Wednesday will be six weeks, so here is an update on what he looks like. He still has dark blue eyes - so I am guessing they will probably stay that color. He still has hair - which is amazing - but it is not as dark. It is beginning to have a lot of red in it. I am just glad it did not all fall out! He has really filled in - really chunking out!! He has all of those little rolls that are so adorable on babies!! He still has long fingers and toes, but they to have little rolls on them!

He is moving around a lot now too. His legs are always kicking and his arms flailing around a lot. His tongue is always sticking out (unless he is eating), even when he is sleeping.

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