Monday, May 07, 2007

First Casualty From No Sleep

Not counting me not sleeping in 3 or 4 months - it is FINALLY REALLY hitting. This morning, as I was leaving to take Isaac to school, I backed into our 96 gallon trash can. Unfortunately, it was completely full of trash and very heavy - so instead of just knocking it over - it broke my tail light and then fell over in the middle of the road, trash everywhere.

We were already late, but I quickly got out and stood in the middle of the busy road picking up trash. I struggled to stand the trash can back upright, but finally got it.

Luckily the only damage to the car was the taillight (I was barely moving) and hopefully that won't cost TOO much to replace.

Here is the sad and embarressing part: I was staring right at the trash can as I back into it. Even when I heard it hit, I had to look around to see what the noise was!! That is how I know it was lack of sleep and not just me not paying attention!!

Paul's last words as he left this morning: "Maybe you will get a nap today!" That has only happened once since I had Andrew, and that was Friday so I am not counting on it happening today!!

I will only be on the road if I ABSOLUTELY HAVE to be, but if you see a silver Mazda 5 with a broken taillight - STEER CLEAR!!!!

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