Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Jokester Emerges

I have always thought that Bryce would be the one getting in trouble in school for being the class clown. The last couple of days he is REALLY showing that he will!! Last night, before Parent's Night Out, I called him to the sink so I could wash his face. He announces "I'm DIRTY DAAAAAAAN!" I asked where that was from and he said SpongeBob.

We get to the church and I realize he has spagetti sauce all over his shirt. It was a dark shirt, so I had not noticed it until we got outside I guess. We walk in and he announces to the woman over our preschool at church that he is "Dirty Daaaaaaaan!" I admit my embarressment to her and that he really fits the description tonight! He walks into class and the young lady working his class asked him his name - "I'm Dirty Daaaaaaaan!" I told her his name and told her he is apparantly answering to Dirty Dan tonight!

This went on all night and then again this morning.

Then, this morning the boys were told to clean their rooms up. After awhile, Isaac comes into my room carrying a dirty diaper. "Bryce put a dirty diaper under my pillow on my bed!" Luckily, Paul and I were still laying in bed, so we were able to cover our faces before we started laughing so we did not encourage it.

Bryce is the only one of the boys that will take the dirty diapers to the trash. Usually, he either asks if he can throw it out or he will just see it and take it. I guess he has started stashing them in places other than the trash!!

I can see someone getting in a LOT of trouble throughout school. I guess we will know the principal well!!

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