Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Losing It!

I try to be patient Mom, but sometimes it is just impossible! Take this morning for instance. Well, let's start with last night - Bryce would not do anything I said. He would look me straight in the eyes and yell "NO" at me. If I put him in time-out, he would look me in the eyes, say no and run off. When I would put him in time-out or his room - he would immediately get up and go back to playing. Needless to say - he went to bed EARLY last night.

So, this morning, after telling 719 times to get his shoes and socks on and being ignored, we were going to go to the park to walk. He was excited until we were on our way. He decided he wanted to stay home all day - he did not want to go to the park, the store or to pick up his "stupid brothers." We did not go to the park - did not want to deal with him! We HAD to go to the store though. He was pretty good in the store. It all started when we were leaving. He was eating fruit snacks. He dropped two in the parking lot. I would not let him eat them. I had to PRY them out of his hand - him kicking and screaming.

We get home and he had picked out a lunchable, so I sat him down to let him eat. He chose pizza. I was trying to nurse Andrew and Bryce came out eating the candy that came with his lunch. I went into the kitchen and there was shredded cheese EVERYWHERE and he took ONE BITE out of his pizza.

I told him to go take his nap and he LOST IT. He started hitting me, kicking, pulling hair, etc. I would put him in bed and he would be right behing me by the time I got to his door. I held the door closed and he started throwing all kinds of toys at the door (lots of toys went to the trash!!). Nothing I said or did would calm him down (until I told him I was telling Daddy to come home and take care of him!).

I don't know what to do with him! I have tried EVERYTHING and nothing is working. I am really fearing that fours are going to be a lot worse than twos or threes were!! I can't even sit down and feed Andrew without having to put him down to take care of Bryce - it is no wonder he throws up so much and always has an upset tummy!!

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