Tuesday, August 08, 2006


As I have mentioned in previous posts, Bryce wakes up about the same time (9pm) every night with a nightmare. He did last night as normal and Paul went in and calmed him down and got him back to bed. About 1 am, I heard a loud thud noise and Bryce started crying. I thought the dogs outside had done something, but Bryce was screaming at the top of his lungs for me.

I went in expecting to find him in bed, head covered, crying about monsters or whatever the nightmare culprits were this time. Imagine my surprise when I open the door and he is ON TOP OF HIS DRESSER!! Now, he has never been able to climb on top of his dresser because he is not much taller than it is. He was up there on his hands and knees clutching Bear Bear and screaming and crying. He had knocked off the lamp (I guess that was the thud I heard). I picked him up, calmed him down and got him back to bed - then got his brothers he awoke back to bed.

No sooner did I close my eyes and get good and asleep, did I hear him screaming again. I went running in there - not really knowing what to expect this time. He was in bed, blanket over his head - like normal. For fear of getting absolutely no sleep due to the 3 nightmares before 2 am he had, I took him in my room. I know - not a smart thing to do, but if it is between sleep and him being in there or me getting up every 30 minutes to him screaming - I opt for sleep!!

I never heard another peep after that until this morning. I asked him if he remembered the dream and he doesn't, but apparantly remembers being on top of the dresser. I asked him to show me how he got up there - and he could not get up on it. He tried for about 5 minutes and could not do it. I am at a lose as to how he got himself AND Bear Bear up there. There were no drawers pulled out, so he could not have climbed the drawers. Paul thinks I was hallucinating, but I wasn't. In fact, as soon as I got the boys settled, I came back to our room and turned on the light and told him what had happened - I was, and still am, so baffled.

I can't get the picture of him on the dresser when I opened the door out of my head. It is funny, but not! I don't know what is causing his nightmares, but I hope this is not the beginning of sleep walking (or sleep anything else not in bed). I wish I had a video camera I could put in there for a night and see what he does (or be a fly in the wall!).

If only I could transfer pictures in my head onto this computer!!

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