Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Fruit of the Spirit

Caleb's Sunday School class was learning about the fruit of the spirit for several weeks over the summer. A couple of weeks ago, they gave each of the kids a begonia plant (it had two stems with flowers to plant). We came home and Paul planted it in the flowerbed next to the sidewalk. Caleb was very proud of this plant because it is HIS!

Well Friday last week I was walking out to the car and noticed that one of his brothers had walked on it and broke the stems. I IMed Paul at work and told him that Caleb was going to be really mad when I picked him up from BGC, and told him what happened. He said he would stop on the way home and try and get a new one - and try to plant it before he gets home.

Paul comes home early, and it is pouring rain (I mean it was raining cats and dogs!!!). He comes in the house with a Walmart bag. I open it and it is some kind of rose plant. It looked nothing like what he had, but it was the same color. Paul goes out and plants it as soon as it stopped raining - in the same spot as the other one.

We went and picked Caleb up from BGC. When we got home he was walking to the door and I heard him get REALLY excited. He came running back to us and told us that his plant just needed lots of rain because it grew a lot while he was gone. He was looking at it and said that it was not as tall as it used to be, but that it went from to stems with flowers to this:

Then he placed these rocks that he brought home from BGC around it to "keep it safe." Little does he know!

I really did not think he was going to buy it, but it worked! Good think he does not know a whole lot about plants, otherwise we would never have gotten away with it, but it definently kept a fight with his brothers away!!

We will just call it Creative Parenting!

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