Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Isaac's Physical

Isaac went to the doctor today for his physical. Unfortunately, he had to have a physical sheet filled out for school. I tried to just take it in and have them fill it out (he already got his four year old shots in May). Because his last physical was June 25, 2005, they could not fill it out without seeing him first. When I had the appt set for him in May, they would not see him because it had not been a year since his last physical (insurance will only pay for one well - child visit a year). So, we went back this afternoon and got his physical.

He weighs 39.5 pounds (50th percentile) and his 43 1/4 in tall (75th percentile). BMI and blood pressure were perfect, vision was 20/30, which the nurse said was really good for his age. She noticed the mole on his hand and asked about it. I told her we have been to the dermatologist and she wanted it removed, but that we had an appointment with the best pediatric dermatologist in Arkansas (at Children's) to get another opinion. I figured that the surgery would have to be there, so I would rather have the best look at him and decide what to do!

All and all, he looked great, tall and slim (even if he does not look it).

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