Monday, August 21, 2006

Bryce's New Thing

Bryce has this new thing where everything is either "awesome" or "kinda dumb." When we were going to Target this weekend we drove by a neighborhood and he yells "Those houses are awesome!!" Then we got into a not-so-nice neighborhood and he said "these houses are kinda dumb."

WHen I tell him it is naptime I hear "naps are kinda dumb."

Time to eat vegetables - "Vegetables are kinda dumb."

What is so funny though is that when he says this it is usually accompanied by him crossing his arms above him head and throwing them down on his chest and making a hilarious - unhappy face.

I don't know where he gets some of his things, but his personality cracks me up!! He will definently be the class clown of the family. So much for picking his name for the meaning! That came back to bite me in the butt big time!!!!

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