Monday, August 21, 2006


Well, Caleb and Isaac went back to school today!! They were both so excited. Caleb has been asking everyday since BGC ended why school could not start "today." We kept telling him the teachers were not ready to deal with all the wild kids yet!!

Things were pretty crazy this morning and I did not get first-day-of-school photos. Maybe if they still look somewhat decent when they get home (you know - not covered in dirt!) I will get some first-day-after-school pictures, otherwise we will have to do second-day-of-school pictures!!

Caleb was very excited when we went to open house. He had been asking me if he was going to be upstairs and I kept telling him I had no idea where is class would be. When we got there and asked where is teachers classroom was, he was VERY excited to be told it was upstairs. I guess that is where the BIG kids go!! He has a friend from church in his class. He also has a friend that he has been in the same class with since Kindergarten. That is so neat and I hope that wherever we decide to move he can stay at this school. Our city has six (going on seven) elementary schools. This just seems crazy because it does not seem like the city is big enough to have that many! I guess everyone that lives here has elementary students. THey are in the process of building a new middle school and I guess in a couple of years they are going to have to start building some new high schools to accomodate all of these middle and elementary kids!!

Isaac's school is on the way to Caleb's. I have learned the last couple of years that if you don't want to sit in traffic forever, we have to leave the house at about 7:20-7:25 (even though we live less than a minute from the schools). I took Caleb about this time and there was already a line of traffic! I kind of expect that the first and last week of school because parents seem to take their kids these times. What I saw when I took Isaac to school blew me away!

I pulled off of our road and onto the road the school is on and CARS WERE STOPPED!! I mean not moving. Traffic is never backed up this far. IT TOOK ME OVER 15 MINUTES TO GET ISAAC TO SCHOOL!!! Never mind that the elementary school starts at 7:50 and it was close to 7:55 when I left. Almost all of these people were going to the school and they were ALL late. And I was not at the end of the line either! As I moved up, there were still cars as far back as you could see!!

There are a couple of feed in roads. Most people usually let one person from the feed in roads in front of them. I went to let one person in front of me and the person behind that one person thought he would go too - then honked at me and threw his arms in the air because I would not let him go. I am sorry, but I was being polite letting someone go (no law says I have to do that). DON'T honk at me because you could not leave your house in time to get your child to school in time. There was not more than 3 or 4 cars waiting on that road to get in line. I have somewhere to be too and I have been waiting a lot longer than they had!

Enough of my ranting for this post! I can't wait for the kids to get home. As excited as I was to have them go to school, as always I miss them when they are gone and can't wait for them to get home and tell me about their days. We will see how Caleb does with his glasses!!!

I will post more this evening about their days. I might need to leave in a couple of hours to start making my way to the schools to pick them up!!!

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