Friday, August 04, 2006

Caleb and Daddy On the Farm

These are some of my favorite pictures of Daddy and Caleb. I wanted to add them at Father's Day - but that is when I found out my scanner quit working!

On the Mule - Caleb's fondest memories of PePaws farm was taking rides on that Mule (especially with PePaw)

This is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE of Daddy and Caleb. He did not even flinch with that cow got in his face. This was at PePaws farm too.

This is what normally happened after a day at PePaws farm. When you look at all of the photos of things to do their you understand why!!

PePaw loved this windmill and planted Morning Glorys under it. This is what it looked like every year. It was so beautiful when the flowers bloomed!

This is in Pepaws truck on the farm. He was so excited about getting to "drive"

Caleb was always his happiest on this farm. I wish I could afford to buy it because he would LOVE to have it. He asks all the time if we can go visit and if we can buy a farm when we buy a house. Daddy would like that too!!

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