Thursday, August 10, 2006

My Amazing Little Trooper!

You would think since Isaac has been to the same place for 3 surgeries in the past three years, he would not be excited to go back. I told him last night right before bed that he had to go see his doctor today to get his ears "fixed." He asked if we were going to see his "big" doctor. I assume he is called the big doctor because he is taller than their pediatrician, but he is talking about the ENT specialist.

He was very excited about going and seeing the "big" doctor. We got there, he went in, went back and got prepped and went back with the doctor with no problem. When they were done they came and got us and took us back to recovery where he was at. I held him in my lap until he came out of the gas. He was laying there and opened his eyes and sat up. He immediately asked for a drink and started drinking.

I am so happy that he always recovers so quick. He had a little bit of an upset stomach on the way home, but when we got home and had some toast he was fine. Not really a complaint from him since.

Such a trooper!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that he is doing okay. He is such a trooper. Give him my love. Aunt Lindsay