Monday, August 14, 2006

Burns Park

We went for a hike Saturday morning at Burns Park on the Boy Scout Trail. It is so funny watching Paul with the boys when we go hiking. There are so many things that he says and does that remind me so much of hiking with my Daddy. Here are a couple of stories from this trip.

While we were hiking Paul saw a washcloth in the middle of the trail that had obviously been there for a while. It was pressed into the ground and pretty dirty. The boys had all passed it and Paul calls them back. He very seriously says "Do ya'll know what that is? It is a wild washcloth. They are very rare but DON'T TOUCH IT! It WILL bite.

I just died laughing because Dad used to do things like that to us. Some of you will remember things like the squirrel with fangs and things like this! He would get really serious and tell us some far fetched story and keep up with it for the endurance of the trip.

Another funny story is while hiking the same trip we saw a "ghost pineneedle." Again, the boys had already passed, except Bryce. Paul tried to show him this floating pineneedle and he could not find it - even with us pointing right at it. He finally saw it and the other two then came and looked at it. Isaac just stared at it for the longest time and Caleb (who knows EVERYTHING) said it was a web.

The funniest part was that Caleb kept saying that it was a web. Bryce finally could not hold it in anymore and grabbed the pineneedle. He pulled on it and let go and it did not go anywhere. Caleb was in awe because if it was a web then it should not have kept floating after Bryce pulled on it. It was priceless to see the expression of all of the kids!!

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