Monday, September 24, 2007

Rearranging Rooms

It has been a very busy weekend (since Thursday)!! Thursday after the whole toy box incident, I decided that the boys were going to switch around who slept where. Now, Caleb and Isaac are sharing a room and Bryce has his own. Although I did not move any furniture (other than the desk and computer), it was still long and exhausting!

Saturday, I made Bryce help me clean ALL of the toys one by one. I scrubbed them all and made him dry them all. He kept saying he was done and he was going to go play and I kept reminding him that he has NOTHING to play with! He did not have fun, but then again, neither did I!!! He asked if we could just throw the toys away and buy new ones!! At this point, there won't be Christmas or any more birthdays at this house this year!!

Then I got this brilliant idea (I think so anyway). I wanted to remove all the toys from bedrooms, but don't have anywhere to store them unless I want to give up part of the garage (don't think Paul would appreciate parking outside to punish the kids!!). So, I went and got this:

This is actually one of those plastic boxes to put in a vehicle ( back of a truck or something). I like that it is not wood, but mostly, I like it because of this:

Now the boys can see their toy boxes and know there are toys in it, but can't get any out! They have to ask my permission and wait on me to get the key and unlock them. Then they are only allowed to have one thing out at a time. They are responsible for that "thing". If it gets peed on, torn up, etc while they are responsible for it - they are the one to get punished. Kind of like a library system (thanks for the idea Mom, even though I don't think that is where you were headed with it!). Also from now on - if it touched pee - it goes straight to the trash. I WILL NOT spend another afternoon scrubbing toys one by one!! And I WILL NOT bring anymore toys into either one of those bedrooms, until we learn how to respect our things!

To make the older two feel better about having to share a room, I went and got them each a foot locker. They got to decorate them the way they wanted. They are allowed to put anything of theirs that they do not want their brothers messing with in it. But, again, I GET THE KEYS.

Mom is getting mean and tough! They WILL learn respect, which they once knew, but seemed to of forgotten recently!

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