Monday, September 24, 2007

Andrew's Upper GI

We just got home from the hospital. It ended up taking longer than it should have because after they did the first one, they saw something they were concerned with and wanted to do another after the barium went through his system more, so he had the test done twice. They do just a regular xray when you first go back, then they strap him to a board on a table. They do an ultrasound-type xray while he drinks the barium a little at a time. She did see some reflux during it, so we now know that is definently a problem he is having. I felt so bad for him, I almost started crying watching him, but he was SO good!! Even the nurses kept commenting on how calm and happy he was. They strap him down with his hands over his head, a strap at his head, chest and feet. He was actually fine until they UNSTRAPPED him. I think his arms had gone to sleep because as soon as they were freed, he started screaming.

He finished the barium (6 ounces - which she said taste like Milk of Magnesia), which he did not seem to mind too much. Toward the end of the bottle he kept pushing the nipple out and would get the shakes and wrinkle his nose, but I guess he was so hungry at that point he didn't care what it tasted like!! After he finished they laid him on the table and just held his arms and legs this time and did the ultrasound-type xray again.

She said there was a ligament in his stomach that was over a little further than it should be. The dr looked at it and agreed and said that she wanted to retest after 45 minutes to give the barium time to make it further down the tract and see if it causes problems, which they didn't think it would.

So we went and sat back in the waiting room for over an hour before we were called back again. They did a regular xray and then the ultrasound type xray again. The dr did it all this time and said everything looked good.

Andrew was SO good the entire time. He got a little fussy while we were waiting, but he had not eaten HIS food or taken a nap all morning, so I was amazed. He smiled and talked through all of everything!

Even more amazing - BRYCE!! He was awesome!! I did not have to get on to him once! During the actual tests, he went and sat with the nurses. I am not sure who loved that more - him or them! When I came out with Andrew, Bryce was surrounded by nurses!

They made it a great visit, and I hope that tomorrow when I have ALL FOUR of them at the drs office, they all behave as well as Bryce did!!

Oh yeah - I weighed him this morning and he was 13-8, that means he has gained 5 ounces in two weeks!!! Not what he needs to be gaining, but the best so far!


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I have had a similar experience with one of my twins. We too had an upper GI and were told about a ligament being "out of place." They were talking about the Ligament of Trite (Sp). Please pay attention to this! He ended up needing emergancy surgery to correct this issue. The problem we had was that the ligament was not where it should be and this caused his intestines to "twist" slightly while digesting and processing his food. this was not seen on the GI but was the cause of his not gaining weight. he would associate eating with pain, eat less than he should and therefore not gain enough. The sugery is not major and the condition is called a mal-rotation or non-rotation. Not too many dr's are familiar with this. I came across your blog and thought you should know the information in case you situation is similar. I am leaving my email adress in case you want to discuss more in detail. Good luck with you little man !

Anonymous said...

Forgot my email address: