Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I promise I will catch up, but instead of getting further behind with the going-ons, I am going to keep blogging on what is going on now. I have some pics to put on and they take TIME (which is something I am rather short of lately!).

Last night, I went on a hunt for a toy box for AJ's room (which I didn't find one!). I left Paul home with the kids. Apparantly, while I was gone, Paul ended up in a conference call with two of his bosses and another person. After hearing his story when I got home, I felt bad for a second - literally a second - then I told myself NOT to! It was good for him to realize what I have to deal with when I am home trying to take care of stuff.

Paul had to feed the boys their dinner. While he was trying to do all of that and had AJ in his highchair waiting for HIS dinner, Paul ended up on a conference call. He was telling me how hard it was to pay attention to the conversation and deal with the kids all at the same time. The kids seem to think (as most kids do I think) that if Mom or Dad are on the phone, they can get away with anything!

I felt guilty at first for not being here to help, but then I took the oppurtunity to point out that this is what I have to deal with. He has gotten frustrated before because he would call from work and ask me to call and take care of different things and my response is always "If I get a chance..." Now, I hope that he understands that it is not an excuse to not do something, but the stars have to align just right (in other words - everyone has to nap at the same time, which rarely happens these days) to have a conversation that makes sense and I can remember the result of!!

It all worked out for me because when I got home, three kids were in bed and the kitchen was being cleaned! I fed AJ and was done for the night!


Maybe I will "have" to go out for something EVERY NIGHT!!

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