Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mr. Know-It-All

Okay, so really I have four of these (give me a while and I will have five!), but this one is about Bryce!

His teacher's name is Mrs. Melissa. He calls her Mrs. Awissa. I keep working with him and telling him to say MELISSA and he will say it when prompted, but when we talk about her he goes back to saying AWISSA.

Finally, Tuesday after school, he was telling me that Mrs. Awissa was not there today. I told him he knew how to say Melissa and asked why he wouldn't say it correctly. "Why would I say Melissa? Her name is Mrs. AWISSA!!!" I told him it wasn't and we went through it all AGAIN! "She told us her name was Mrs. Awissa and that is what I am calling her!"

So, today when I dropped him off, she asked Bryce if he missed her. I was telling her that he kept going on and on about her not being there, then I remembered our conversation Tuesday. I told him to say her name and he said Mrs. Awissa. She laughed and said that most kids say it that way. I then made him say Melissa, which he did. He then proceeded to lecture me AGAIN that her name was Awissa not Melissa - in front of her!! She got a good laugh out of it. I guess she will now forever be Mrs. Awissa to him!!

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