Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Bananas and Blueberries

I made bananas and blueberries last night. I put them in the food processor and pureed them together. I was concerned AJ would not eat it because the skins of the blueberries did not puree down very well. Last time we gave him bananas just fork-mashed he did not like them because they were too textured, so I figured the chunks of skin would not go over well.

I was wrong!!

He LOVED them! Seems to be his favorite yet!

I am going to try to steam the blueberries this time and see if the skins will soften. I don't want to peel them because there are lots of nutrients in the skin that he would be losing!!

The blueberries were kind of tart, but I guess the sweet bananas made up for them. The funniest part is that Bryce taste EVERYTHING before AJ eats it - my little taste tester (which is wierd because he is our pickiest eater and even after I tell him what it is - he still trys it!). Isaac will sometimes taste, Caleb rarely. Last night - they ALL tasted and liked!! Tonight I was told I HAVE to make smoothies with the blueberries!!

We also tried green beans last night. Even steamed, fresh green beans don't puree that well! AJ didn't really care for them - to the point of gagging!! We will try those again later. We did learn, though, that the boys like steamed green beans. I think I am going to start steaming their vegetables more. THey will eat fresh vegetables, but don't like cooked vegetables. They say the steamed taste better (go figure). If it gets them to eat it....

Next new flavor in a few days....MANGO (and also some homemade sweet potatoes!).

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