Monday, January 08, 2007


Yesterday, after church, Caleb brought Daddy a Children's Tylenol bottle. It was empty. After we spent quite a while trying to figure out where the medicine went and who took it, we figured out that Bryce took the bottle out of my bag. I don't know how much was in the bottle, what he ate and what he threw out or hid. It had been a couple of days since he had gone through the bag, and he finally said he had eaten some Friday or Saturday.

Daddy was telling him he was going to have to go to the hospital and get some shots in the bottom. "No! I don't have a hole in my butt."

I will leave that one there!!

Caleb then starts telling him he will have to have a wheelchair when he gets to the hospital. He kept walking around asking what a wheelchair was, but noone would answer him (we are trying to scare him as much as we can!!). We got in the car to go to look at some stuff for the house and he really started getting concerned.

About 5 minutes into the trip, and Caleb telling him we were on the way to the hospital for his shots, Bryce frantically asks "WHAT IS A WHEELCHAIR? Is that what they stick in my butt?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...