Friday, January 12, 2007

A Bad Sign For the Day to Come

We are in the process of packing - with me in throw out mode. This means we are filling our big WM trashcans in about 2 days tops. Our trash has been picked up a day late the last couple of weeks because of holidays. I guess this morning they were wanting to get it done, because when I came home from taking Isaac to school - the trashman was driving past the house WITH NO TRASH OUT!!

They don't usually come until noon or later, so I usually take the kids to school and come home and put it out. They saw me roll it to the road when I got home, but they did not come pick it up!! Now I am going to have to try to store trash in the garage - with all of the boxes - and hope that they will pick up all of the extra trash next week. Believe me - a week before move-in date there will be alot of trash!!

Hopefully this is NOT a sign of how my day will go!

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