Monday, January 22, 2007

...And It Is Complete!!

The yard that is! I drove by around 2:30 and the fence was up. I did not go look at the yard though, because the superintendent was there and he likes to tell you his life story - I had less than 3o minutes to get Isaac picked up - no time for life stories!!

So, we met our realtor and the builders agent at the house. The yard looks better, still not great though. I think we really do have to let it settle and see where the low spots are going to be - but they addressed the issue of the water not flowing and now it should. They also got the concrete poured, they are just waiting for it to dry so they can pull the frame. They powerwashed the back patio and the back of the house, oh and they fixed the yard at the side of the house in front of the back gate.

Now, for the inside. They have to repaint the entire house! Apparantly, when the house was first painted, they go the paint from one company. That company got bought out by another company who changed the mix. In other words, all throughout the house where they touched up the paint a couple of weeks ago, the paint does not match - even though it is the same name. So they went and got all new paint and are starting over! That is suppose to be done tomorrow.

The appraiser is going to come out as late as possible tomorrow, so that the painters can finish. There are some other little things that their agent pointed out to us that will be getting fixed (like our shower doors are backwards, lightbulbs that need to be replaced), other than that - we are good to go.

Oh - and - we are suppose to have dry nice weather this weekend - lets pray that the weathermen are right!!!

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