Friday, January 05, 2007


Well, I have been trying to get a floorplan of the house on the blog. Hasn't happened yet. We finally got everything settled as to what is going where (until we move and decide we don't like it!). The boys bedrooms are 12x13, 12x12 and 10x10. Isaac and Bryce will be in the 12x13 (with a bunk bed), Caleb will be in the 10x10 (which is a change - he was going to get the 12x12) and the nursery will be the 12x12. We decided to give Caleb the smallest room instead of the baby because we decided to put a twin bed in the nursery for late nights and for when Paul's sister comes over.

I did not know how he would take the news that he was going to get the smaller room, but he took it well. I think at this point he is just so ready to have his own room, it could be a closet and he would be happy.

The other two are fine with sharing a room. Bryce is always scared, so he does not want his own room. I think Isaac doesn't care one way or the other. They are very concerned with not having a playroom. We just keep explaining that the toys will be in there room, but that I will start throwing them in the trash. Now, everytime they talk about it, they discuss how when

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