Friday, January 19, 2007

Dr. Sears on Dr. Phil

Today I turned on the television to turn on the x-box and Dr. Phil was on. I don't remember the last time I watched Dr. Phil, because I don't have much time to watch television! I ended up turning on the xbox and then going to my room to watch the show. They had Dr. Sears, his two sons and his wife (the nurse) on. I only got to see the last 15-20 minutes, but there was really some good info on it.

For one, they were saying that we should not be started babies eating with rice cereal. They were saying it was full of carbs and it is no wonder that Americans are carbaholics - because we are started on them at such a young age. He said, even though most drs will not tell you this, you should start with fruits and vegetables (naming mashed bananas and avocados as good first foods).

He also talked about "colic." I have heard mixed stories about what colic is and if it is a real problem or just what drs say when they don't know. They say it is what drs say when they don't know what is causing a babies constant crying.

As most of you know, Isaac suffered from "colic" for about 4 months. The only way we could get him to sleep at night was to put him in his swing (next to our bed) and let him swing all night. If the swing stopped he screamed. If we laid him down in bed, he screamed.

Dr. Sears said that often it is because of the equivalent of an adults heartburn. They said that frequently with nursing mothers, if they eat dairy or wheat it passes through the breastmilk and cause this problem with the baby. I thought you were suppose to drink milk when you are nursing! Nurse Sears was in the green room with mothers and babies. One of the mothers was asking about colic. She told her to set up the baby and rock her. I guess that explains why Isaac would only sleep in the swing!!

Definently things to make you think!! Hopefully I can remember these things when our little one gets here!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you guys are doing well. Love you guys bunches and can't wait to see you. Lindsay