Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What A Busy Weekend

We got a lot accomplised this weekend. Since we are trying to be completely out of this house by February 1 (so we can go a month without any kind of rent or house payment), and we are suppose to close on January 26th, we spent the weekend packing and cleaning out the attic. We got A LOT done, I must say!

I am in throw out mode! I do not want to take a lot of junk to the new house. I would love to have my closets as closets for once! The attic is not set up to where we can put a whole lot in them, and eventually we will be getting a shed for the backyard, but for now - there is not a place for a lot of junk!

We spent a couple of hours pulling everything down from the attic and going through it all. Everything is now in the garage and organized and all trash thrown out. I have been saving boxes for a year and a half to two years - putting them in the attic. I did not realize how many boxes we had, between that and a friend who just recently moved and donated all of her boxes to me!

When we were done with the attic, we packed all the boxes we had. I am trying to get all of the stuff we can live without for a little while packed. I am having bouts of morning sickness again and don't want to put off getting stuff done and end up being sick the way I was the first trimester.

The plan - we close on the 26th and get the keys. We will make some runs in the cars (which won't hold too much!) that day and we will get a large Uhaul in Saturday. We will - hopefully - get everything moved Saturday and spend 27th through the 31st taking care of the rent house (I even offered to paint if they would get the paint - what was I thinking?? Trying to get my deposit back!!). Then I will spend the next couple of years unpacking! Packing is much quicker than unpacking!

We will be going tomorrow, probably, to pick out carpet. Then tomorrow evening we have a company coming to give us an estimate of getting gutters put on the front of the house and around the back porch. After they get the carpet down and stuff cleaned up, we will do a walk through with the realtor and make a list of anything that needs to be taken care of so that it can all be done and ready for us to move into on the 26th.

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