Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Doesn't That Figure

So my day starts today with me trying to take Isaac to school. I open the car door to put Bryce in. When I do, I hear a popping sound and the handle does not pop back like it is suppose too. I put Bryce in, go to shut the door - IT WON'T SHUT!!

I study the door, latch, etc., trying to figure out what is going on. The only thing I can figure is that the door broke - why else would the handle not go back like it was suppose to. So, I call Paul. He is stuck in traffic and cannot turn around. I call Isaac's therapist and told her we were not going to make it to therapy and she offered to come pick him up and bring him home after school.

Paul calls me back to tell me to call roadside assistance to come close the door. I told him I did not think it was going to closed and thought it would have to be towed to the dealership. He comes all the way back home.

He got the door to close. I thought he had fixed it, so I open it to put Bryce in. It won't close. Paul tells me he only closed it to get me to the dealership - and closes it again. I get Bryce and we go to the dealership.

When we get there I told the guy what was going on. He said he was going to look at it and if he thought it would be awhile, he would give me a car to use. They opened and closed the door 50 times, and it did not act up once. I look like some pregnant psycho saying my door won't close - even though it is closed when I get there (but it was forced!) and it acts perfectly normal for them.

How does a door handle not work at all and then 20 minutes later work perfect?? I don't have enough going on already?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so funny.....I thought things like that only happened to me!