Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Tonights Bedtime Schedule

I was letting the boys stay up late, but unfortunately they have not behaved today - and I needed a break - so they went to bed early. Well, I was just pulling my dinner (pizza) out of the oven. I got it out and went to get the boys to sleep. After about 10 minutes, I figured it was going to take a while to get him to sleep, so I went and fixed my plate. I took it in his room with me so I could eat while I was patting his back. This is how the conversation went.

Bryce: Can you quit patting my butt? (so I started patting his back)
Can you get that food out of my room?

Me: No I am eating dinner.

Bryce: Well, I don't want it in here.

Me: Neither do I!

Bryce: Well Daddy says I can't have food in here! (never mind I tell him that about 100 times a day - but since Daddy said it once...)

Me: YOU can't have food in here - I am not you though! (I know I am supposed to set an example!!)

Bryce: (a few minutes later) Are you still eating?

Me: Yes

Bryce: You have to give me some!

Me: No I don't!

Bryce: Can I have your dessert? (I did not have any!!)
(I pick up my drink) I need a drink!

Me: No it is bed time!

Bryce: I am hot!

Me: I am sorry.

Bryce: I need my big blanket! (why do you need a big blanket if you are hot under a little blanket?)
My arm hurts. (pointing to nothing on his arm)

Me: I am sorry - but there is nothing there. Go to sleep and it will feel better.

Bryce: Well, I can't. Bear Bear needs his fire suit on to go to sleep.

Me: His suit is in the washer.

Bryce: Well it is clean then, put it on him.

Me: It is wet.

Bryce: no it not!

When I finally got him to quit talking - he fell right to sleep!

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