Sunday, July 16, 2006


While we were out running around today we found some good shoes on clearance. Since school starts in about a month, we thought we should go ahead and grab them. We try to have two pairs of tennis shoes for each one of the boys. One for school and play and one for when we go out. What I normally do is the pair they had as nice shoes before, we make into school shoes and we buy new nice ones (they are boys and can't keep shoes clean for long - even if they aren't playing outside in them).

Isaac cracks me up because I will be showing him a bunch of different nice shoes and he always wants Buzz Lightyear or Spiderman (usually that light up). Paul showed him some, what he called "old school" shoes. Isaac loved them so much that he would not take them off. He wore them home and opted to stay inside instead of playing outside so that he did not have to take them off. Ever since we got them go, he has been running everywhere. When I tell him to walk he says (while still running) "I can't I have my fast shoes on!"

Watch out world - Isaac has his fast shoes on and he is ready to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested