Thursday, July 27, 2006


I have been getting complaints because I have not posted since Saturday, so I am back. See, I got addicted to this puzzle called Sudoku (play here - http:// ) So any free time I have had, I have spent doing these puzzles.

Also, we went to Hot Springs Village this weekend with Chrisanna and her two kids, Jordan and Annalise. Her parents have a house there so we went and enjoyed it for the weekend. It was so nice. We went late Friday night. We have not had much rain lately and it decided to pour Friday night on the way. I don't really care for driving in the rain, and I don't really care for driving in the dark. Put the two together and made for a not fun drive there.

Saturday morning we got up and went to the "beach." It was beautiful outside, cool from the rain the night before, still cloudy - PERFECT! We sprayed everyone down with sunscreen and tried to control 5 kids in the water by ourselves. Unfortunately, because the weather was SO great, we did not think to reapply sunscreen to the kids. It was cloudy and cool - who thinks of reapplying sunscreen. Isaac's face got a little pink and Bryce got burned pretty good!

Caleb has been swimming every week with the BGC. The first time he went he told us that he taught himself to swim. I was a little doubtful because we have been trying to teach him to do this for 5 years now. He would not relax enough for Paul or I either one to teach him anything. He DID teach himself though (or someone there was able to teach him). He and Jordan were like fish out in the water. They kept asking to go to the deep part (we would only let them if one of us were out there). Caleb can only swim under water right now though. He does not believe us that it is the same above water, but he will figure it out on his own in time. I have a sneaking suspiscion that Caleb is going to do a lot of learning that way. He already thinks he knows everything and will argue with everything you say - especially if you try to correct him!

Isaac was not to sure of the water. He stayed right at the shore line and played. We finally convinced him that he could walk out some and it was not deep. Finally he came out and played in the water with us, but was still a little uncomfortable.

Bryce and Annalise - wow, what do I say about those two? They kept us busy and neither of them has ANY fear! They would look at us while they walked out daring the bottom of the lake. If they were in their floats they would kick their feet until they were out where it was deep (with the older two). Of course they always went the opposite direction so if one was out in the deep with the big kids, the other one was trying to watch the two littles. After a while neither one of them wanted their arm floats on or the floaties. There were a couple of times where I just let them see how far they could go before they went under. I was, of course, standing right in front of them to pull them out. I was hoping that if they went out and under, they would listen when I told them not to walk out.

Later Saturday we went and got a paddle boat. We paddled around (Chrisanna and I took turns paddling the older three) and wore ourselves out (but not the kids - not what you should do with 5 kids!!).

All and all we had a great time, great weather and the kids were overall well behaved. A nice mini-vacation! Blogger won't load photos right now so I will add photos later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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