Thursday, July 13, 2006


I had a hard time getting Bryce to sleep tonight. I spent about an hour patting his back and he never even began to settle down and be still. I finally gave up and left. Shortly later, I hear Bryce in the room playing and talking. I walk in to get on to him and tuck him in YET AGAIN!

I walk in and he of course blames Robby for the abundance of playing and lack of sleep.

"Well, obviously you and Robby can't sleep together. He will have to come with me!" I told him, grabbing at the air.

Bryce starts screaming "I want ROBBY!"

After about 10 minutes of him screaming, I told him that if he would get in bed and go to sleep - Robby could come back.


One day he will learn that since no one else can see Robby, he could just say that I did not get Robby. But, until that day - yes I will milk this for all it is worth!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.