Thursday, July 13, 2006

"Not Me" Has a Name

Well, Robby was back with us in the car this morning and boy - that Robby talks way too much!!! I asked Bryce if Robby was a boy or girl and he said boy. I asked what Robby was and Bryce said a person and he was green. Then Robby talked way too much, which made Bryce talk way too much.

So when we got home, Bryce informed me that Robby wanted to go see our house. He came in with Bryce and continued to talk too much. I was in my bedroom and heard the refrigerator and pantry door open. I called Bryce and he came running in, "What."

"stay out of the pantry and refrigerator."

"It is Robby - he said he was hungry."

Now every time I get on to Bryce for something he says it is Robby! So, "Not Me" is now known as "Robby."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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