Friday, July 14, 2006

A Nice Compliment

One of our errands today was getting dogfood at Petsmart. We walked in and I did not get a buggy because I could not put the boys and the dogfood in it so it would be one more thing to control! We went straight to the dogfood and turned to go back to the counter. People kept smiling at us when they walked by us, and I, of course, thought they were smiling at my adorable children. Until I got to the checkout. The cashier looked at me and just said "WOW!" I, confused by the welcome, asked what was "WOW"

"You are definently a mother!" she said with big eyes.

For a second I was not sure if I should take that as a compliment or an insult, then I realized what all the looks were for and what she was commenting on. I had 40 pounds of dogfood on my shoulder (did not want to unbalance the load by putting the dogfood down - just to pick it right back up), keys (with my Petsmart card) for her to scan, swiping my credit card (and signing) all while holding the hands of two VERY active little boys.

"Yes, I am." I said with a proud smile.

"That gives a whole new meaning to multi-tasking. I don't think I have ever seen anyone do so many things at one time! And you act like it is normal!"

"It is!" I said almost laughing.

That was a nice compliment! I must admit that I am not always so calm, but hey...

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