Monday, July 31, 2006

Isaac's Doctors Appointment

Isaac went to the ENT specialist today. While we were in the waiting room the boys started playing with a little girl that was also waiting. It was hilarious watching especially Bryce and this little girl.

Isaac has to have surgery again - next week. They are taking the tube out because if he is off drops for more than a few days the granulation starts attaching to the tube again. When the nurse called and told me his appointment information, I asked if they could put tubes back - in both ears.

He has had ear infections since the one tube came out and had them with tubes in. Paul and I don't want them in 6 months to decide that he needs them again, and make him go through all of this again. He has had too many surgeries for a four year old - no matter how minor they were! The nurse is going to talk to the dr about it tomorrow (he was gone for the day) and ask what he thinks about doing this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My poor little nephew. ;-(