Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or Treating

As I sit here and do my parental duty of "testing" the kids candy they got tonight, I thought I would tell you about our trick or treating. The boys were really well behaved - for the most part.

Caleb tried to take over and lead everyone, although he did not know what he was doing! He was wearing all black, but luckily I thought to put glow sticks on them so I could somewhat keep up with them.

Isaac pretty much just followed everyone else, but he was great at saying "trick or treat" and "thank you". He seemed to have a great time though, especially after being stuck in the house for 2 weeks!

Bryce really cracked me up. He wore a fitting costume! He would say trick or treat when he got to a door. Then he would start growling. The second house we went too - he requested a glass of water (luckily we got him away quickly - with not water!). After that he got to where after he growled at whoever was at the door, he would ask what animals they had and if he could please pet them (at least he used his manners and said please!). Several houses actually chased down their animals so that he could pet them.

All and all, the first year of actually doing door to door trick or treating went well. Maybe next year Daddy will be home to join us!

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