Wednesday, October 18, 2006

To Whoever Complained:

I am pretty sure I know who left the comment, but I did not have internet at the hospital and spent all day there. That is my excuse for today, I will find an excuse for the rest of the days another day (maybe the insane schedule my family has!!!). I will post some pictures we took at the hospital today when Paul sends them to me from his phone!


Anonymous said...

To the Complainer...

You obviously are not a mother/father of three boys with one on the way if you truly think that Meaghan has nothing better to do than sit on the computer and blog all day. I commend you Meaghan for coming home from the hospital and blogging so that we family members can know how Isaac's surgery went.

Complainer....try getting a real life so that you don't have to depend on Meaghan to blog for you to have something to do. You're a disappointment.

Love you Meg :)

Anonymous said...

OK girls and boys, let's all put our happy faces back on. We will assume that complainer was just giving Meg a bad time and really does understand how busy she stays and was being must have been a member of the family!
Meg, the time you spend is appreciated! Love Mom