Thursday, October 12, 2006

Such Great Young Men

Tonight the boys acted like young men. We worked at our churches food pantry or pantry store as Bryce calls it. Tonight was preperation night so that Saturday we can hand the food out. When we got there we had to open cases and count out 80 cans of each vegetable, 80 boxes of macaroni and cheese, cereal, etc. Seperate out potatoes. You get the picture!

This food pantry is in an old house. After the food is all seperated out and lined up, the men line up with boxes. The kids all line up at each of the different foods and drop one in each box. Isaac and Bryce added peanut butter and beans to each of the box (until too many kids were trying to put the same thing in and the boxes were ending up with several of each thing!!). Caleb, though, spent the ENTIRE time we were there carrying boxes. He got to work with his Sunday School teacher and worked the entire time - even when most of the other kids were playing. Then he lined up and had his box filled and carried it out the back door, put the box in a car and then circled around to the front door to start all over again.

It was so neat to see him so excited about helping people he has never met. Saturday morning we will be getting up early so that we can hand the food out to the people in our community that need the help. I think this is an awesome outreach that the church has and I think it is even more awesome that they ENCOURAGE us to bring our kids, even though it would probably be quicker without them there.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hope you took pictures. Aunt Lindsay