Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Bryce's Seperation!!

Bryce has begun to throw a fit when I drop him off for MDO or sunday school. I don't know what has gotten into him. When he is home he asks when he gets to go to "big boy school" but when I take him - he screams and won't let go of me.

This week, with revival, Isaac has been in the same class with him in the evenings at church. He does not throw a fit then. He also is in love with the girl that has been taking care of them. Her name is Ashley, and he talks about her ALL the time. He asks for her ALL the time. I am ready to ask her to move in with us!!!

I feel bad when I drop him off though. I feel bad for the teacher and I feel bad as a mother having to walk away to him screaming every time. I can't let him win though. I know that if, just once, let him leave with me while he is throwing one of these fits, I will never be able to leave him ANYWHERE he does not want to stay!

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