Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Big Brothers...

Tuesday morning when Caleb was getting ready for school I hear "Isaac, don't forget tomorrow you have to spend the day at the hospital." I went in and, again, told Caleb not to mention the surgery because we did not want him to be nervous about it. Last night when I sent the boys to bed, apparantly Caleb decided to tell Isaac everything that was going to happen.

This morning Isaac gets up and tells me how the dr is going to cut his hand open with a knife and remove his spot. Since Paul and I had not told him that - not that way - I asked where he got that from and he said Caleb told him last night. He then started crying. I finally got him calmed down and ready to go.

I told Caleb I was going to take him with us so the dr could cut open his head and remove the meanness from him. He was not fond of that idea for some reason!!

He was okay until we got in pre-op. He went back and forth from crying to laughing so he wouldn't cry. They gave him some "goofy juice" that was suppose to help with seperation anxiety when they took him back. HE GOT GOOFY (ier than he already was!). He was cracking us up!

When we picked Caleb up this evening I told him I thought he should have to wait on Isaac hand and foot the next two weeks because of how petrified he made his brother. At this point, I will be surprised if I ever get him back to a dr!!

That is what brothers are for...right?

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