Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sometimes You Should Just Stay Home...

Unfortunately, you don't get a warning as to when that should be. Last night we went to our Sunday Schools fall fellowship/hayride. I was not sure where I was going so I followed some friends. About the time we were exiting, the car started sounding loud, but did not drive funny. Because we were not in the best part of town (and did not know where we were going for sure), I did not want to pull over. I knew we did not have far to go, so I just kept driving.

When I get there, I open my door and an overwhelming smell of burning rubber takes over us. The boys started yelling "something stinks!!" MY TIRE IS SMOKING!!! The driver side rear tire was completely flat. I get the boys unloaded and on the playground (minus Isaac who can't go on the playground). One of the guys in my class came over to change the tire for me (remember - my husband is camping!!).

We (as in HE) gets the tire off, with Isaac helping by holding onto to lugnuts, etc., They had asked me what I ran over or hit and I told them nothing. He looks at the tire and said it must have just lost all of its pressure because he could not find anything in the tire. Then he laid the tire down to put the spare on. I looked down and noticed three holes (one huge one and a couple of small ones) in different places on the inside of the tire. The guy started looking at it and apparantly it was a defective tire because all the way around it is really soft (where the holes appeared).

So he finished changing the tire, then checked my other three to make sure I would make it home. My spare is so attractive!! The donut tire had a bright yellow wheel on it that I swear glows in the dark. Everytime I looked at the car in the dark - all you could see was the yellow wheel.

So...later that evening we are finishing up eating. Isaac needed to potty. So I went to take him potty and left Bryce, still eating, with some friends that are sitting by us. On my way back I stopped to talk to someone. I look up while talking to check on Bryce and see him surrounded by people. When I finally get a glimpse of him, his face was purple and he is being grabbed over the table to be given the heimlich. He was CHOKING!! I go running over there about the time he starts to breath again. Luckily for him we had LOTS of nurses and a soon-to-be dr there, who was much more help than a frantic mother would be!!

So after we took a hayride, we got followed home (at 55 mph). We made it home without anymore blowouts or choking. Monday morning, as soon as I drop Caleb off at school, I am going to the dealership to have them put four new tires on because I am now scared to drive on those tires!! I will take some pics of the tire today so you can see the damage!

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