Saturday, September 05, 2009

The "Rock"

This evening after we went into town, we went and walked on the beach. It was dusk and there were little crabs EVERYWHERE. Andrew won't walk near the water, so I was walking further up the beach than the boys and Daddy were. Andrew was exploring and having fun. I was carrying Mady and playing with her.

I heard Andrew say something and looked up as he was grabbing what looked like a rock. The "rock" got bigger, puffed out some legs and ran away. Andrew started screaming and jumping and screaming some more. Daddy and the boys did not see what happened but heard Andrew. I saw the crab trying to hide in sand and showed them where it was. Daddy went to touch it and it puffed itself back up and Andrew started screaming again.

There were little fiddler crabs all over the place and he was screaming everytime he saw one, so I decided I was going to take him back to the house. As he walked he would flick sand up. Everytime he noticed the sand move he would jump and scream thinking a crab was after him.

He got to the house very quickly. He boogied up the stairs faster than I have ever seen, stood at the door beating it saying "open open open". When I opened the door he ran in, slammed the door shut in my face and grabbed his blanket and jumped on the couch. By the time I got in he had his blanket over him and his thumb in his mouth.

He has no intentions of going outside at all. I asked him to sit on the deck with me a couple of times and he would not do it. Hopefully by tomorrow he will not remember the scarey "rock"!

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