Monday, September 14, 2009

Painting with a 2 Year Old

Before school started I went to Hobby Lobby and got some projects for AJ to do while his brothers were at school. Yesterday it was so rainy that we could not go outside and Andrew was getting into everything. So, I pulled one of them out.

I got a teapot for him to paint. I had gotten paint colors that matched the colors I have in my kitchen.

We sat down and the table. I put Andrew in my lap so he could reach everything well. I put the red paint on the plate. He was very excited. Then I grabbed the orange, opened the lid and turned it upside down to squirt it out. About that time, excitement got the best of him. He grabbed a handful of red and ATE it. Before I could react he immediately spit it out.

I ran to the sink with him and cleaned his mouth out. We finally got him cleaned and went and sat down and I noticed he was stinkin' it up! So, I told him to go get a pullup. He was in his room and when I turned the corner to tell him to come on, he was walking around with a brown finger yelling "PooPoo!"

We eventually got to paint. It is exactly what you would expect from a 2 year old! And the mess he made, well it too, is exactly what you would expect from a 2 year old. It was fun, but there is a reason we don't do this very often!

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