Thursday, September 24, 2009


Yesterday I decided to REALLY tackle the task of potty training. Andrew was in underwear almost all day (only not in them when we were gone). The closest thing he came to an accident was he was sitting on the potty, but wasn't IN the potty! So, he made a little mess on the floor, but did what he was supposed to be doing.

The first time he got some cookies, after that he was asking for stickers. So he got lots of stickers all day. It was great that he wanted stickers instead of candy or cookies.....until last night when I was peeling them off the hardwood floors!

Yesterday evening he.....pottied in a more solid form.....
We took him for ice cream since he had done such a great job on day one and did so much more than I expected.

While we were out today, Andrew spotted this......

He got so excited about it when he saw it. I decided it would be a good way to reward the potty training and save up some money for him.

We call him P-Rex. Everytime Andrew pottys he gets to feed P-Rex coins. What is REALLY great for us is he has no concept of money. He is just as excited if you give him a penny as he is if you give him a quarter.

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